
Silent Stretches

Author: Gloria Chik

Ghosting, disappearing acts, and going AWOL are all modern day catch phrases that most of us are familiar with. Whether romantic, friendship, or general availability comes into question, all of these acts tend to draw out the ego + feelings of rejection.

Going Offline

But what if refraining from participating in social media or digital communication was just a way of self preservation? We hear it time and time again – screen time and social media are brutal. What if we all just came to the general understanding that we are in a constant state of judgement and overwhelm?

Self Incubate

Have we harped on loving yourself enough? When you truly believe in self love, it emanates everywhere. People can sense the amount you value yourself in nearly everything you do.

Return If / When you feel like it.

There’s never any pressure to rise from the ashes like a phoenix. You either emerge or you don’t, and know that the people who want to be there for you aren’t always the first ones to tell you. Ask for help, relish in surrender, and keep it moving. You got this.