Last Edited: June 27, 2016
I’m a huge believer that a healthy lifestyle takes time and will always be a work-in-progress. It’s a combination of working out + a healthy diet + a positive self image. All three take work and practice, this is why I strongly dislike fad-diets and trends aimed at young people to drop weight quickly. It’s just not sustainable and it promotes the wrong lifestyle.
When I was asked to check out Drink Juice Co. I smirked at my inbox. The whole “Juicing” trend was something I disliked vehemently. My friends who did juice, all did cleanses and used them as a “get out of jail free” card. They thought it was the perfect way to cancel out the other things they had been putting in their bodies. Hence, my association with juicing has always been an irresponsible diet option.
Bloc’ers, I had a pleasant, rude-awakening. Meet Nadia Kotsos and Sophia Vavouleas, the two female entrepreneurs behind Drink Juice Co. which opened over a month ago. These ladies believe in a healthy lifestyle and it’s evident through the thoughtful decor and carefully curated product offerings in their shop. Everything you see in their quaint space is an extension of the founders.
Nadia’s background in Nutrition with Sophia’s business experience led to a year and half of hardwork, sweat, tears (lots of tears) and life lessons. Childhood friends, these Greek girls combined their unique talents and successfully launched Drink Juice Co.
At 2PM I was throwing back shots of juice, sampling all the hand-pressed choices and through conversation, all my pre-conceptions began to unravel. With beautiful bottles and quirky names like FineApple, Rise and Rind, Aloe-Ha and Shake your Melon Maker, Sophia and Nadia made the whole experience beyond rad and changed my view of the Juicing industry (or I just fell in love with Drink Juice Co.).
A few key take-aways that I learned while chatting with these girls:
My favourite juice from that afternoon is the FineApple. It’s made with Cucumber, Pineapple, Spinach, Parsley, Lettuce, Jalapeno, Lime (all 100% Organic).
Take a look at their Menu for all the colourful options available for purchase
If you’re ever in that area, I would highly recommend opting for Drink Juice Co. over a Starbucks! Support local and energize your body with a healthy drink juice, I’d say that’s a win-win 😉