Oh yah, it’s November people. This means early holiday music and sparkly lights going up all over the city in preparation for the upcoming festivities. You certainly won’t see me complaining as it’s one of the perks of being in the freezing city while others are jet setting to East Asia. If you’re one of these lucky folk and want to plan an unforgettable trip, we picked up tons of tips from Contiki travellers who experienced insane trips to share with you. Read on!

One of these experienced travellers was Youtuber Gunnarolla, known for his humorous way of documenting the hits and misses (or ups and downs) of travelling around the world. If you thought he was cool in videos, he’s even cooler in real life! Here are some things you might not have known about him:
While on the road…
- He loves travelling with his friends but advises you to get some “me time” for self-reflection. You gotta clear your mind in the midst of non-stop travelling.
- Contiki trips give you the option to explore on your own or surround yourself with a group of like minded travellers. You can always switch up the groups of people you hang out with during day and night because everyone’s down to have some fun.
- He still keeps in touch with the people he travelled to Thailand with over a year ago!
- He’s definitely not an early riser. More sleep please!
- He suggests travelling with a significant other before popping the big question because it definitely brings out the worst and best in you. If you can handle one another after a month or two of travel, you’re strong enough for a lifetime of marriage.
- Travel mantra: Don’t sweat the bad decisions because it will always lead to something to remember.
Youtube channel
- The idea for “The Foreign Language Song” came from a subscriber who suggested he create a song using the lyrics submitted by commenters. If you haven’t checked it out, you don’t know the comedy you’re missing.
- It took only 48 hours to shoot the entire “Canadian, Please” video that garnered over 4 million views!
- Youtube is his favourite way of interacting with the audience and he’s planning to make more music in the future so stay tuned!
His favourite thing about Toronto?
- You can grab authentic cuisine from anywhere in the world just a few blocks away from home. When you’ve been on the road for so long, you really appreciate that.
- Toronto is so multi-cultural and it becomes really evident after you’ve been on the other side of the world.
Thanks so much Andrew for taking the time to answer our questions and share your Contiki travel experiences. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next! No matter where you go this winter break, we hope you get the opportunity to travel, fall in love and most importantly, be happy!
Ready, jet set, GO!