Author: Gloria Chik
I want to say that I’m ‘pen-ing’ this article from a cozy coffee shop in Hvar, Croatia, but really, I’m typing loudly and furiously. It’s sort of that incessant need to drain your mind of your thoughts before you forget them all in the moment. And hey, can you blame me? I’m in an outrageously gorgeous ocean city in Europe, perched on a reclaimed church chair, staring at my Americano in a hand made, Croatian artisan mug. Yeah, there’s even issues of Kinfolk around, with lots of beautiful, contemporary colors and typography. I’m at home.
Kava 37, Hvar Croatia @kava37
Barcelona Gothic Quarter / Photography by @gloriachik
I hope you appreciate these personal-style essays. I’m not going to Buzzfeed this travel knowledge, sorry. You’re stuck. You’re here to read, enjoy, and maybe pour(over) your own cup of coffee as I hope to share some knowledge that improves your travels.
Over the last three years I’ve done a lot of flying and hysterically jumped into experience after experience. Here’s the one thing you need to decide to make your travels incredible: decide to be spontaneous, and follow through. The best travels ever are when you plunge into the unknown, don’t overthink / research, and get ready to receive experiences and emotions you never knew would happen.
I only really came to this realization recently, booking a last minute (unwisely overpriced) trip to Europe when I realized I had a window. I blew a lot of points, but it was well worth it. Eight days spread out through Barcelona, Hvar, and one night in Venice meant many flights, ferries, and solo dinners that I’m sure some would cringe at, but I find peace in. And yes, there’s company along the way, but I found myself centered and at peace with my individual interactions with funny AirBnB hosts, lively coffee shop owners, and strangers with beautiful accents.
Rainy Hvar, Croatia. Photography by @gloriachik
I woke up to cracking thunder and a rush of rain. Groaning internally as my adorable host Ivana (a very lovely and hospitable grandmother) knocked lightly on my door to close my porch and hand me an umbrella, I knew my day had to start despite what the weather said. My flip flops gushed with rainwater as I squished through narrow streets often in the wrong direction, while my umbrella flipped inside out. Yeah, the outside is ugly, but holy fck, my insides feel full and bright.
Own your spontaneity, keep deciding to jump at new experiences and emotions, and keep working on you.
See you out there,