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RECIPE: Chicken Cacciatore
I’ll admit, I’m not a trained chef. In fact, my comfort level in the kitchen is easily spooked when new appliances or paraphernalia are introduced in the environment. Hence, I voluntold a friend to help me out this week (thanks Mav) with a French oven recipe (aka, I let him do all the work while I helped myself to […]

#ROGUESTORIES – The First Chapter
Last year I made some rather large changes in my life – from where I lived to what I did, nothing remained the same. A full range of emotions came alongside making these changes, and I found myself in high highs and low lows. I would go through waves of thinking I had direction, to […]
Healthy Cake Pops with NAKD Bars
I swore off cake pops when I found out one of those suckers = 170 calories of pure goodness (and let’s be real, who really eats just ONE cake pop?). Then the smart folks over at NAKD figured out a way to make them healthy and still tasty. Rather than take their word for it, I […]

#ROGUESTORIES – Alysia Harji, Mom, Valedictorian
As if growing up wasn’t difficult enough, having to expedite the timeline that you have to do it is even more challenging. I met Alysia Harji, a featured student for Seneca College’s Because It Matters campaign to talk about her journey through what seem like paralyzing obstacles. Alysia’s navigated a troubled teenage pregnancy, graduating high […]

#ROGUESTORIES: Courtney Chew, Kit and Ace
Kit and Ace. For those of you who are new to the name, keep an eye out for Canada’s newest darling brand. Its phenomena seemed to explode overnight with stores popping up around North America then around the world. With each location uniquely designed by local talent, it’s changing the retail industry in a […]
Treat Yourself – A McCafé Feast
Photos by Stephanie Ho You don’t want to know the things I could do to a McCafé spread in 10 minutes. From affogatos (with signature McDonald’s Soft Serve…) to fresh baguette sandwiches, the standalone McCafé’s are a new take on the drive-by-coffee-shop spots. Without fail, some of my most satisfied eating moments have been driving […]

#ROGUESTORIES: Julia Che, Entrepreneur
Julia Che is a consummate Rogue. One conversation with the entrepreneur will leave you in realization that a) She knows how to WORK b) Her worldview will make you want to widen yours. Having previously founded Lotus Leaf Communications, a wildly successful Fashion + Lifestyle Public Relations company, she took on massive clients like GUESS, […]

#ROGUESTORIES: Cynthia Luo, Travel Renegade
Photos by Arnold Cheung FULL DISCLOSURE: Cynthia Luo used to be an writer. And in that duration of time, I’ve always marveled at her enthusiasm, her boundless creativity, and general hunger for life. It’s a little ray of sunshine to find someone so adaptable, adventurous, and eager to learn / see / do new […]
Lux Surf and Yoga – The Start of Something
I returned to Toronto in May 2015 with high hopes of finding a job and jumping into the next phase of my next career as soon as possible. Months passed, interviews took place and with that came one rejection after the other. I took it very personally. Your head knows you’re not suppose to because the job hunt […]
#ROGUESTORIES: Lisa Harun, Vapium
It’s interesting how friendships evolve over time. I met Lisa years ago, while we were both enjoying a brief stint in menswear. We bonded over our shared love for tech, Toronto (and uh..menswear). When she moved to Hong Kong to pursue a career in robotics and I moved to India to work on a startup, […]
Wanderlusting Essentials
And so, let the holiday shopping panic ensue. This weekend is bound to be one of the busiest at the malls, and I’m steadfast ready to avoid all of it (Monday morning, 9am for me). If you’ve got someone (like us) that is preparing for a travel-heavy holiday, here are a few things to get […]