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Hello, Summerlicious 2012! @LiciousTO
It’s here – The bi-annual food event that gives us all a reason to go out for dinner excessively within a 2 week time frame, and of course eat delicious food at amazing restaurants in the city! Plus, Summerlicious is always extra-great because we all love patios. This year marks the 10th annual Summerlicious festival, where over 150 […]

Q&A with Blair Nadeau
Blair Nadeau brings beautiful to life – and to your head pieces. Delicate yet bold, stylish and statement filled, I approached Blair quite awhile back when I spotted her a few seats over at the R4 fashion show now seemingly ages ago. Though it was more than apparent that Blair had her own stellar style […]
Q&A with Black Swan Makeup Department Head Margie Durand and Makeup Designer Judy Chin
There’s been much buzz about the new Natalie Portman (love her!) thriller, Black Swan, which finally opened in theatres this past weekend. Rave reviews and an impressive female celeb cast aside, the film’s stunning makeup artistry has also been garnering quite the attention from makeup lovers everywhere. Fascinated with the dark, alluring and intense makeup style, too? Read on […]
Q&A with Stacey Mckenzie
Stacey Mckenzie is lively. A vivacious Canadian supermodel that rose to fame through her amazing story of maneuvering rejection and success in the international modelling industry, Stacey keeps with her a modestly endearing attitude as a top model. Originally hailing from Kingston, Jamaica, the 5’10” photo-friendly Canadian commands an instant presence. I recently had […]
The Ultimate Canada Day Drink
Canada Day is fast approaching and I bet that many of you have already started to think about taking a trip to the LCBO to stock up before it’s too late. Most of you will head straight for the beer section, however this Canada Day why not try something a little different?
Q&A with Pearl Future
Shop Song was ringing through my headphones for the longest time – and the one accountable for doing this to me was none other than miss PEARL FUTURE (aka Pearly), the next power vocalist emerging from Bay Area, US. We first got in touch through the beauty of social networking – a la MySpace. […]
Q&A with Katrina Tuttle
Katrina Tuttle was one of my favourite showcases from the last season (see blog post here). For Fall/Winter 2010, Katrina’s line is less pleats and more vintage inspired textures. It’s a pretty collection with a little less of the ordinary. See after the jump for the Q&A that I had with this young designer. […]
Q&A with Orange by Angela Chen
Orange. Angela Chen is an up and coming designer who hails from a diverse background – originally from Taiwan, to the West Coast of Canada (Vancouver), and New York for the Parsons School of Design. She’s a vibrant soul and down to earth, bursting with energy and sass. When I arrived at Lotus Leaf […]
Q&A with Lani Karls of Kensie
Last week I had the pleasure of stopping by to meet Lani Karls, VP and Creative Director for popular clothing lines Kensie and Kensie Girl (oh, and my newest learning being that the company is a cousin of mac and jac). Seven questions fired in the shortest snippet of time led to the creation […]
Q&A with Tatomme for AXE SUMMER GIG
Darkhorse Espresso Bar on Queen and Spadina is buzzing on a Saturday afternoon as I scurry through the doors to be met by a quirky girl with one furry earring dangling from her right lobe. Instantly I knew that I was looking at Tatomme Flanagan, finalist in the AXE Summer Gig Contest. 5 girls […]