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A Champagne Craft Beer Experience – The Exchange Brewery
If there was ever a time that the aesthetic of a brand could influence your taste for a beer…well, now would be it. In a day in age where Instagram seems to dictate the documentation of our lives. The Exchange Brewery just *gets* it. Founded by Robin Ridesec, the brand exudes elegance from the Italian […]

FOOD: Hong Kong McDonald’s Shake Shake Fries
‘Variety is the spice of life’ is a tired adage. Yet when you bring it literally to life, as the McDonalds in Hong Kong had, it starts to sound—and taste—fresh again. Shake Shake Fries are seasonings you can sprinkle onto your fries. Flavours come in Three Cheese, BBQ, Sour Cream and Onion, and Garlic […]
What it Takes to say No.
Saying no to anything is one of the hardest things a people pleaser can attempt to do. In the past, I equated saying “NO” to something, whether an event, a favor, a freelance job…to missing opportunities or disappointing someone. These days, I measure my happiness and freedom by how much I say no.

Love and the Holidays
Let’s have a really vulnerable moment here. That seems to be the theme of 2016 – vulnerability by way of radical transparency. The holidays seem to add a level of sheen when it comes to new acquaintances or maybe old ones that had a mild spark. We latch onto the idea of family, companionship, and […]

#ROGUESTORIES: Ruth B., Singer
When we recall 2016’s best music, Ruth B. would definitely be a standout. Originally released in intervals on Vine, her Peter Pan-inspired piano ballad ‘Lost Boy’ captured a classic sound one rarely hears anymore. Her music captures something real in a world where most things are fleeting by convenience. We only need to look to […]

Art Basel, Miami 2016
Art Basel has long been on my bucket list (alongside close friend and partner in crime, Julienne Diva). All types of creatives congregated across Miami’s creative outdoor and indoor spaces. The main event, Art Basel, is an enormous collection of 269 world class galleries from 29 countries – truly a global affair. With 77,000+ in attendance […]

Sugar at EAST Miami
Imagine a smoldering night in Miami, people dressed to the nines and situated cozily on a muggy rooftop. The fear of a light drizzle hangs in the air, but people don’t seem to pay no mind to the potential of frizzy hair and damp chairs. What matters is the view, the sparkling lights of the […]

#ROGUESTORIES: Maggie Bergeron, healthSwapp
Maggie Bergeron is on a mission – a physiotherapist by trade, now Co-Founder of healthSwapp, a platform for health practitioners to guide patient recovery exercises in a digital format. Now two years deep, she speaks candidly about how she left her job to pursue an idea that could change the way that patients heal from injury. More importantly, […]

Why I Quit Fashion Blogging
For those of you who aren’t familiar with my very…very long career in fashion blogging, in August 2016 I, Gloria Chik, decided to quit for good. It was a beautiful run – being featured on Yahoo’s homepage, writing for MTV Fora and AOL’s Stylelist, featured on Lauren Conrad’s website, partnerships with LOFT, Canon, MasterCard (World […]

#ROGUESTORIES: D.W. Waterson, DJ and Director
As a DJ, musician, director, editor, and screenwriter, D.W. Waterson puts most multi-hyphenates to shame—and I was only skimming the surface of her creative resumé. Based in Toronto and Los Angeles, she is the architect of Kensington Market’s Home Brew, where she DJs as hey! dw, her manic cheerleader alter ego. She’s also the creative […]

COCKTAILS: Glassware 101
Every cocktail deserves a glass that was designed for it. Otherwise, it’s like looking at a painting that was inadequately matted and framed. What’s within is still the same, but experiencing it just isn’t—you can’t ignore the weird edges and borders that surround it. Or like eating a perfectly aged steak on styrofoam and plastic. […]