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Silent Stretches
Ghosting, disappearing acts, and going AWOL are all modern day catch phrases that most of us are familiar with. Whether romantic, friendship, or general availability comes into question, all of these acts tend to draw out the ego + feelings of rejection. Going Offline But what if refraining from participating in social media or digital […]

On Fear: How to Fight Fear
I would say much of my youth and the success of my younger days was attributed to either acting before having the chance to fear, or stepping out in the face of it. Fear rules every aspect of how we view our world, from how we step outside our doors every morning, how we avoid […]

Growth + Learning
As we become inundated with new year’s messaging and turning of the decade nostalgia, I feel lightly compelled to pen (err, type) something off the cuff. With floodgates opened to highlight reels and reflection of the last decade’s achievements, social media feeds have become a fun synopsis of someone’s life. Myself included, I think about […]

Growth + Learning
How to move six times, in six years
Moving has become oddly second nature to me – in the duration of six years, I moved countries, apartments, and embedded the idea of impermanence pretty much in everything I do. BUT, I decided this year to put down a few roots and decide what to do after. To me, that meant purchasing a home […]

Depleted Millennials
It’s perfectly okay to take a break. In fact, it’s perfectly encouraged to take a break. As I creep into my mid-third decade, I’m in deep realization that we reward depleting our resources in the search of “accomplishment”. We burn time, energy, and self medicate with money and spend in hopes to hit milestones. Image […]

A state of temporary
Life is made of fleeting moments – as far as I can tell anyway. Up until last year I would say that I’ve never made any real commitments in my life (well, ones that I couldn’t somehow flee and undo quickly). Buying a home, settling into an area, and facing my avoidant attachment tendencies have […]

How to learn pretty much anything.
Over the course of the last three years, I’ve witnessed my life pass by in a whirlwind. Mostly, I find things happen quickly when you’re having a) fun and b) in a rapid fire period of learning. As the minutes, months, and eventually years whirr by in a frenzy, I find that for myself and […]

The Longest Break I’ve Ever Taken…
It’s been a minute…well, over six months. It’s odd to see the serif font pop up and come alive on my screen as I write this. In some ways, it’s odd to even write in first person. I hope you’ll stay with me as I outpour a few words that I didn’t even know how […]

ROGUE TRAVELLER: Justine Abigail Yu
I met Justine years ago in passing, likely through the Twitter world. She’s a warm yet edgy soul, with a unique take on the travel industry. Having worked in the space for over six years, Justine navigates her contacts and the world with ease. We caught up just before she took off to Vietnam […]

The one decision you need to make for the Best Travels Ever
I want to say that I’m ‘pen-ing’ this article from a cozy coffee shop in Hvar, Croatia, but really, I’m typing loudly and furiously. It’s sort of that incessant need to drain your mind of your thoughts before you forget them all in the moment. And hey, can you blame me? I’m in an outrageously […]

Woman vs. World
Three times, in the last three summers, I have been assaulted verbally and physically in three different cities. Once in Chinatown, New York, once in Montreal, Quebec, and finally last night in Toronto. At approximately 10:30pm, I was accosted by two men near the Harbourfront (a very familiar, very regular route for me). All three […]