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#DISCOVERY: My Landrover Experience
Something about a trip to Los Angeles and Utah, complete with off-roading and in-car experience sounded like a full-fledged adventure. No doubt about it – Landrover (Canada and global) knows how to put on an event. A group of automotive journalists and I (I…suppose I’d be under the “other” / “lifestyle” category) headed to the […]

All the Little Things – TITIKA Active
Long live the accessory. As we grumble and trudge our way through this last gasp of winter, accessories have dutifully made the past three months a little less miserable. Your gloves that keep you warm, your scarf that keeps your face from freezing. Your yoga towel that lets you focus on trying to twist yourself […]

PROFILE: Wolfgang Hoffmann, President of Jaguar Land Rover Canada
Wolfgang Hoffmann speaks with a welcoming German lilt, as he opens up about his humble beginnings. He shares his life lessons with a calm and candidness that makes you want to latch onto his leadership energy, and make something of your own. I stopped in on a grey day to the head office of Jaguar […]

ROGUE STORIES x Darius Bashar
A huge thank you to Darius Bashar for capturing me one winter afternoon. His intense dedication to his work and craft is nothing short of admirable. If I could have an once of that ongoing mental conversation on a day to day basis…well…I could only imagine what one could be capable of. To see his full […]

Titika Active: City Slickin’
Photography by @JeffStiggs Titika Items Pictured: Petal Bomber, Jude Performance Legging, Violet Bra, and Gigi Hadid x Reebok Club C 85 Diamond shoes. Welcome to the time that most people have abandoned hopes of a total-fitness-overhaul. It’s near March, and I’m still excitedly outfitted in all things Titika when it comes to athleisure living. From […]

A Champagne Craft Beer Experience – The Exchange Brewery
If there was ever a time that the aesthetic of a brand could influence your taste for a beer…well, now would be it. In a day in age where Instagram seems to dictate the documentation of our lives. The Exchange Brewery just *gets* it. Founded by Robin Ridesec, the brand exudes elegance from the Italian […]

PROFILE: Sophie Desbiens, PR at Frank + Oak
Sophie has an ease and a spark to her. Regardless of the chaos that is Frank + Oak’s bustling retail location, we sat down in a manic, overstimulated coffee shop front to their location on Queen Street West, Toronto. She speaks with a charming Francophone lilt, commonplace for her Chicoutimi upbringing. Sophie’s been a long time […]

PROFILE: Daniel Carman, Over the Rainbow
Over the Rainbow is a staple of Yorkville history. It started in 1975, and even when you go back to the About section of your homepage, there’s a vintage photo of the shop then. What’s your take on the growth and change of this neighbourhood? The area has evolved a lot from this boho, hippie, […]

PROFILE: Chef Craig Wong, Owner of Patois Toronto and Jackpot
Craig Wong is a chef for the people. True to his personality, his restaurants are lively, joyful, creative, and playful in all the right ways. From the comforts of Eat Jackpot, to the younger, novice brand of Patois Toronto, he’s got all your stomach’s whims covered. Amidst one of this restaurants burning down from arson, […]

New Year, New Athleisure
Photos by Darius Bashar – @dariusbashar Ohhhh, it’s that time again, the time that we set our sights on a few (or in my case…15+) goals that will make this year feel accomplished and satisfying. Of course, many of you might have fitness on the brain. For me, that’s one of many self betterment projects […]
ROGUESTORIES x Bartender Atlas: Lime Juice Basics
Several months ago the fine folks at Bartender Atlas and I teamed up to teach me a few bartender basics (so needed). A few ways to go about juicing those limes, and all the little things you should keep in mind. Thanks again to Josh Lindley, Jessica Blaine Smith, and Michael Philper for the collaboration. […]