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COCKTAIL: Maple Bourbon Cider
Apples have always been a usually interesting fruit to me – you can find it in pies, desserts, as chips, and my personal favourite, as a phone. You also plan entire days around picking them, where most of the time it’s not even about the apples. In Shanghai, where I lived before Toronto, I only […]

How to Digital Detox
Have you ever done a “digital detox”? The closest I’ve ever come is during my weekly yoga class. When I return to my phone, it feels like days have passed and the world is a different place. I get missed calls, text messages, emails, slack messages, FB chats… it was an only an hour! But, […]

#ROGUESTORIES: Melody Khodaverdian, Forbes Conferences
You don’t often meet women as poised, yet candid as Melody Khodaverdian. An avid runner, charity-driven soul who works for one of the most recognizable media brands in the world, Melody is a TEDxToronto alumni, chasing dreams in New York City. As Director of Conference Partnerships at Forbes, Melody is the epitome of a #ROGUESTORIES woman:

Keeping it 100 – Natrel On The Go
Portability of your meals / nutrition is key when you want to get out the door early for work / school / life. As fall looms (I know, I know), I’m reminiscent of the times that I used to be in school, searching for a healthy alternative to fatty breakfast sandwiches, buttery pastries, or sugary […]

Dîner en Blanc 2016
I haven’t yet decided if dressing all in white, dining at sunset, and twirling sparklers in the night is romantic, or vaguely reminiscent of a Miami party. I’ll go with the former. My first Dîner en Blanc experience in Toronto felt festive, was a scrumptious, instagram-visual overload of an evening. There was cake! There were […]
3 Tech Tools You Need in Your Life
Summer, you’ll be greatly missed. While fall clothing and accessories are being stocked on the shelves, we’ve still got a few weeks (if not a couple of months) of gloriously walkable weather ahead. If you’re looking to add a little technology to maximize this warmer-weather experience, here are a few tech tools you can look into:

A Minimalist Wardrobe
Photos taken by Gina Chung / @ieota, edits by Gloria Chik Clothing Items: Bench SOLUTION Jacket, Reebok Classics, Aritzia Yasmin Dress Admittedly, much of my day to day wardrobe has reverted to something of a monochromatic palette. Fancy sentence for saying all wear is black, white and grey. But while my day to day clothing may […]
RECIPE: Edgy Potato Salad
A classic potato salad screams “summer picnic”. While the traditional way about this sidekick dish is to load up on mayo, a few fun substitutions make for one edgy recipe. Here’s how to make ‘yo own:

You don’t have to go too far to feel fancy when making a cocktail. While gin isn’t for everyone (who knows why not, I mean…what’s not to love about floral liquor with all the right character?) – this cocktail is both refreshing and sharp. Read on for the recipe:

#ROGUESTORIES: Ele Willoughby, Geophysicist and Printmaker
The differences between somebody who’s just an expert and true educator are hard to pinpoint, but a conversation with Ele Willoughby makes them rather obvious. As a geophysicist by training and an printmaker through passion, she grounds her research on a digestible basis. And in turn, science has informed her creative inspiration with unexpected […]

#ROGUESTORIES: Anita Li, Director of News, Complex Media
Interviewing someone like Anita Li feels like sprinting along the Seine. You want to slow down and relish in the company, but then you reluctantly remember the task at hand, the little time you have, and keep going. It makes sense: Journalism is the kind of industry that coaxes the conversationalist out of anybody. And […]