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#ROGUESTORIES: Ruth B., Singer
When we recall 2016’s best music, Ruth B. would definitely be a standout. Originally released in intervals on Vine, her Peter Pan-inspired piano ballad ‘Lost Boy’ captured a classic sound one rarely hears anymore. Her music captures something real in a world where most things are fleeting by convenience. We only need to look to […]

#ROGUEROUNDUP: On Collaboration
As we near the first anniversary of our regular #RogueStories, we realized what an incredible archive of advice we had built across all types of passions and journeys. So once a month in #RogueRoundup, we’ll be featuring the best gems according to theme. There’s a reason why the ‘teamwork’ metric is observed at such an early […]

LIFE: The Lazy Girl’s Black Friday Shopping
Photos by Darius Bashar @dariusbashar I love Black Friday, so online shopping is a godsend for women like me. I get to bookmark the items I want, so I don’t waste time browsing during peak traffic hours. I get to compare prices and prints at my leisure — in bed on the night before, on […]

TRAVEL: Homemade Travel Snacks
Healthy snacking is difficult as it is on a regular day, and travelling just seems to kick our worst impulses up a notch. Potato chips and chocolate beckon at gas stops. Train stations specialize in coffee shops — and nothing else. And good luck finding something gluten-free at the airport. So what’s a conscientious traveler […]
#ROGUESTORIES: Kiara LeBlanc, Saje Wellness
Kiara LeBlanc puts ideas on paper, and immediately into action. Part inventor, part problem solver, her warm personality shines with intention – Kiara wants to help the world be well. As the Vice President, Brand & Creative Director of Saje Wellness (a wellness retail brand experiencing explosive growth), the vibrant personality is sharp when it […]

TRAVEL: #VegasYou Food Adventures
Photography by Jessie Lee @jessiewlee Las Vegas, Nevada – a place I’ve associated closely in the past, with adult fun, adventures, and abundance. What I conveniently forget is that food is incredible in the middle of the desert, with resorts and hotels packed with food and memories. I knew that when given the chance to […]
LIFE: I’m Done With the Lob
I know exactly how my lob happened. It was the Golden Globes, in January 2015. We weren’t sick of “Shake It Off” yet. Boyhood was everyone’s favourite movie of the year. Uber and Snapchat were just becoming staples to the masses. Kim Kardashian had broken the internet with her butt. Oh, and the lob was taking […]

COCKTAILS: Holiday Cocktail Round-Up
It’s holiday season. That means dinner parties, belated conversations with old friends, and cocktails aplenty. If you’re an aspiring host, you’re probably panicking a little over your ambitious guest list right now: There’s Anita from work. Jennifer’s visiting from back home. Patrick from your first ever job. Parents. Nephews. So many different palettes; so many […]

TRAVEL: Podcast Recommendations
Podcasts are the ultimate best-of-both-worlds option when it comes to killing time during air travel. Because of our temporary unavailability to the world, we flip-flop between productivity (no distractions!) and indulgence (all the excuses!). Our carry-ons reflect our inner Jekyll and Hyde: seen in our dutifully packed laptops next to the Ambien, or the Hudson […]

#ROGUESTORIES: Alan Gertner, Founder of Tokyo Smoke
Tokyo Smoke founder Alan Gertner (and ex-Googler) has mastered the pursuit to happiness. An encounter at a Ghanian voodoo ceremony inspired him to leave behind a skyrocketing career in corporate strategy for a journey of self-discovery. He refers to this chapter as the TimeOn project, where he scored and tracked how he felt about each activity […]

FOOD: Cuisine and Confessions
Cuisine and Confessions is not your average play, or show, or any other theatrical experience you’re familiar with. Described as a “culinary Cirque du Soleil” and performed by The 7 Fingers, it is impossible to describe thoroughly without spoiling expectations, or the show’s many surprise delights. The stories of Cuisine and Confessions revolve around the relationship […]